The effects and benefits of music are well documented, rarely a week goes by without anecdotal evidence of the ability of music to reach the inner consciousness of those living with dementia. Neither is there any doubt that these are merely flooks of nature. There is professionally researched scientific proof of how our neurosystems perceive and respond to music, and the multiple areas of the brain involved in achieving this process.

I first witnessed this phenomenon first-hand  several years ago when I was singing with a choir that regularly gave concerts in care settings. To see the transformation of a slumped, disengaged being into a participating individual with stories to share was a revelation. This sparked a fascination to learn more and to find more ways to make this experience accessible.

Despite the evidence and the publicity, what seems to be sorely lacking for anyone in a carer role is the way in, how to open the musical door. this may seem an insurmountable challenge for anyone who does not regard themselves as a musician and even for many who do.

This blog aims to make it all more accessible. That is how I see my role in the work I do, finding ways to make music easy, accessible, achievable and rewarding.

Forthcoming events:


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Session flyer_ Parkinsons
Session flyer_ Dementia

Come, follow me into the realm of music…our wonderment will have no end, and yet from the very beginning we feel at home.

Hugh Mac Diarmid